There is not enough words nor pictures to describe what it feels to celebrate with our crew. Brolis just turned 16. The weekend overfilled with laughter, adrenalin, craziness, impressions, emotions, songs and togetherness. For this bunch of incredible people there is no “wait” or “can’t”, we will just do it!
This year Brolis went to the part of Lithuania called Samogitia, to explore the homeland of our Agnytė and Petras, to visit their places, to speak their language, to taste their local dishes, to get to know the history and childhood paths.
So… there is this special trail – kūlgrinda – the only one remaining from hundreds years ago. These were secret paths through the swamps, built and kept in secret by the locals. Of course, we had to walk it! Everybody was IN, except the guide. He said only mad people would walk the swamp in October, and refused the services. He did not know, that BROLIS the challenges just fuel motivation. Not only we did go, but also made some off-track detours, basically swimming in the swamp, yet laughing all the way, and enjoying it 100%! There are no pictures of that, for obvious reasons.
And then – champaigne and cake by the crew THE CRITICAL WEEK. With reasons and stories behind.
Then next day – Plungė, with family house, garden, school, stories flowing into the amazing cultural and historical context revealed by the most charismatic local lady Virga. The palace and park of Oginsky, the early years of Čiurlionis… the City Library in the park is a must! A hidden gem – with books, exhibitions, activities and – most important – people who have made it so special.
Then Samogitian food tasting with songs and dances. They thought we have been a band of artists on tour- which is definitely an option for side business to timber. We will keep it in mind. Then, the Cold War Museum in the former underground missile base… A lot of impressions and emotions, a strong sense of togertherness – the perfect kit to proceed into our teenage seventeen!