Our summer was full of adrenaline and amazing discoveries. We knew that Brolis people were strong, fast and motivated, but we never realised to what extent!… Running, cycling, swimming, playing basketball or cheering until your voice is gone, we did it all!… From a bronze medal in the local Free Economic Zone basketball tournament to Rūta being the first Lithuanian Iron Woman to cross the finish line in Tallin! Almost every weekend was marked by a beautiful destination, teamwork and a winner’s podium.
While the shiny trophies are great, the emotions and positive vibes are priceless. This sporting community is infectious. Even us, the most dedicated cheerleaders of Brolis, started challenging our own limits… You know, those funny training sessions never recorded on Strava, cycling to work, and..eh… some interesting blisters from weight lifting… oh, you will definetely notice the champion’s sparkles in our eyes.
Special huge thanks to our coach & king of production Algirdokas