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    • Branch: Brolis Timber

    Architects and customers often make crucial decisions when a project is just a drawing on paper or on a computer screen. This can lead to confusion and uncertainty. Fortunately, we have the perfect solution to resolve the doubts.

    We are happy to introduce a new tool – Brolis Timber cladding and decking texture library for architects and designers.

    The texture, with all its additional components, allows architects to accurately select and render actual Brolis Timber thermowood profiles and the surfaces they create in visualisations. This enables them to test different cladding profiles or sizes and choose the most suitable one.

    All Brother Timber textures are available in 4k resolution, ready for professional use, with all the necessary maps for the software applications. This ensures the truest possible view of the thermowood surfaces in the visualisations.

    The textures of each profile also have colour variations according to our colour scheme of factory-applied stains, so you can check not only the profiles but also the colours!